Family Outreach of Amherst Giving Program
Our neighbors need us now more than ever.
Donations to CHD’s Family Outreach of Amherst lay a foundation for struggling families to meet their most basic needs. They also provide the tools necessary to rebuild their lives.
Family Outreach of Amherst’s mission—to provide a safety net for the most vulnerable members of our community—has taken on a whole new meaning this year. The pandemic and state of affairs in our country has destabilized all of us, but for many of the families we serve, the situation has become dire.
You may not personally know the individuals and families we serve, but they are frontline workers, cooks, cashiers, childcare workers, refuse collectors, waiters, and waitresses—and most importantly, they are our neighbors. Many of them have lost their jobs, and some are at risk of losing their homes. Parents are struggling to balance the demands of working remotely from home, educating their children with schools closed, and keeping them from falling behind.
Because of FOA’s donors, we have the resources to support over 600 families throughout the year, for as long as they need us—something unique to FOA. None of this would be possible without the help of our community—we truly are all in this together!
Join us in helping our neighbors stay healthy and thrive by making a gift to support FOA. You can choose to donate now, or make a pledge and spread your gift throughout the year. You may also consider joining our new monthly sustainer program—Stepping Stones. Your monthly contribution will ensure that ALL of our neighbors, regardless of income, have the resources to live their best lives. And more, you’ll help our community grow stronger…together.
For more information on giving options, including our Stepping Stones monthly giving program, contact Carly at [email protected].