Program Participant

Some Help Can Go a Long Way

Paul, who uses our agency’s Adult Mental Health-Springfield services, is grateful for having CHD in his life for the past six years. He had lived a group home, but last summer he was able to move into his own apartment in downtown Springfield, thanks to assistance from our Psychiatric Day Treatment Program, which helps people with psychiatric conditions gain independence.

“CHD is amazing,” he said. “Every time I was having a hard time, I could count on them to help me out. I don’t know where I’d be without them—living with my parents, or maybe a hospital.”

What would he say to someone who is struggling with their mental health, but may be reluctant to get professional help because they’re skeptical of its effectiveness? “I’d say, ‘You just have to give it a chance, because something good might come out of it.’” Men in particular might hesitate to seek assistance because they think psychotherapy is “too touchy-feely,” he said. “I’d tell them, ‘Don’t judge a book by its cover.’”

Mental health stigma is a huge problem that makes people who need treatment ashamed to pursue it, and Paul said this was initially a barrier for him. “At first it bothered me, knowing that I had mental illness, but now that I’ve met other people going through the same thing, it makes me feel better about myself—just knowing that I’m not alone.”

Knowing that you are not alone can be the critical aspect one needs for getting help. Do you know someone who is in need of mental health support? Have them call 1-844-CHD-HELP to get started.